I didnt sleep much last night, thinking about today and being back to walking by myself again ..... so i got up early to shower, wash hair (say goodbye to my hair straighteners - aghhh!) and get my last bits packed as Mike had kindly offered to drop my bag off for me on his way home so i could walk 'pack free' and hopefully break myself back into things gently!
We checked out and were off by 9am and on our way to my start point, splashing through the puddles and realising we were both going to be having a wet day! The only difference was that i would be outside and the children were going to be dry inside the car as they drove home!! After loads of hugs and cuddles and a long goodbye, (ok, yes and a few tears!) I began my walk today just by Dollar Beg and soon settled into my old lonesome stride. The only weight i carried today was a heavy heart as I found myself missing the children right from the start.
Surprisingly the time passed quite quickly and after catching up with folks on the phone and listening to a bit of music on the radio, i had reached the Kincardine bridge and was crossing the Firth. The weather was drizzly on and off but the route was easy and straight forwards today with plenty of footpaths and cycle routes to follow which was a very pleasant change. Following my complete carb overdose on chocolate muffins and crips last night when watching BGT, i hardly needed anything to keep me fuelled!
I reached my Travelodge by 2pm where Mike had left my bag (i had been worrying if it would still be there as he had left it with the cleaner rather than the security guard!) but it was all safe thanks to Cath, safely hidden in the laundry room when i got there so there was no need to have worried!
The room here is pretty basic compared to our Premier Inn stay but it had all the basics. I think the biggest thing missing was the children and no amount of furniture would replace their company so simple was fine today.
At least i am warm, dry, hot water, towels, (sounds like i am getting ready for childbirth??!!)double bed, electric sockets for re-charging and I am just across the way from some hot food when i finally need it! What more could i want?! I can feel an early night coming on in readiness for my walk to Edinburgh tomorrow with my pack .... that will be a right shock to the system, carrying something heavy again! Oooerrrr!
Your heavy pack today will be as nothing compared to the heavy heart from saying 'goodbye' to the children. However onward and upward as they say and Edinburgh is a lovely city to be walking to AND you have a rest day tomorrow to look forward to!x