Terrrible nights sleep, woke up at 1.30am and couldnt get back off until 4.45am! Just in case you ever need to know in the future, Doncaster Minster clock rings its bells every 15 minutes! I benefited from a Minster view in my room which looks wonderful in the day but is not so great at night! (So much for the Premier Inn guaranteed good nights sleep!) I didnt have the energy to complain or find out how to get a refund so just checked out and walked to the train station for my hour long journey to Worksop!
Worksop! Never been there before and it sounds all industrial and coal mining area'ish but still have seen a mine!
It was a beautiful sunny day but it was hard to quash my increasingly serious symptoms of Homesickness which i am beginning to think is a real illness!! I checked into The Station Hotel (although i was more suited to The Priory today!) to be given Room 4 and it was like a hot house even though the window was wide open (enough for me to jump out of should i feel that way inclined later on!)
I spoke to all the children (except Meg) tonight, Sam with his (great!) exam results, Zak researching Motor cross tracks and iPhones for his birthday and Olivia making Cottage Pie in the microwave! Ahhhh, domestic bliss - i cant wait to get my own fix in another week and counting!! :0\
Worksop! Never been there before and it sounds all industrial and coal mining area'ish but still have seen a mine!
The internet is not working apparently but it wasnt a priority on check in and i was more concerned with putting my heavy bag down and getting rid of my sweltering Red Riding Coat! I decided to try and inject a bit more energy into my walk today and at least reach double digits so set off just after 2pm to walk directly to Clumber National Trust Park around 5 miles away.
The road took me through the pedestrianised town centre at the beginning so i got my fix in Poundland briefly, then into the open countryside along a pretty busy road for a mile or two but with a narrow pavement, at least i wasnt dicing and dodging all the traffic! (just getting caught in the slip stream of the big lorries was enough to contend with and give me my adrenaline rush in the absence of any Starbucks caffeine here in Worksop!)
I reached Clumber Park (free entry without a car! Hoorah!) and walked through to the Church and Cycle Hire area and bought a 50p map in readiness for cycling tomorrow when i will have my bike! More Hoorahs! It looks like there is a 10 mile route around the Park and it also meets the Cycle Route 6 which takes us down to Nottingham so depending on how energetic i feel tomorrow, i can make up some mileage on two wheels instead of two feet! Oh Joy of Joys!
It was a hot, hot walking day today but i made it back in time to collect my daily salad fix from M & S and then munched it in my room, trying hard not to doze off too early incase there is a repeat of last night - why is that hours awake in the night seem so much longer than those in daytime hours?!!
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