Well, i seem to have reached the bottom of my energy reserves today and whilst my feet are now all hardened up, the obstacle today has been my levels of get up and go which seem to have (temporarily?!) got up and gone for now..... Hmmm.
I didnt sleep all that well for whatever reason but had a nice breakfast before packing my bag and leaving it in the reception area for the day whilst i went out to enjoy York!
- Fed up of packing / unpacking and repacking my bag every single day!
- Tired of wearing the same extremely limited wardrobe, day in day out!
- I dont want to walk another step for ages!
- I cant face another cooked breakfast right now but it seems such a waste not to have it when its been included and paid for and is so readily available - what a dilema! It was a great treat to start with or maybe once a week but now i am on overload!!
- I am missing my car and just getting in it to go round the corner!
- Fed up putting in a new wireless code everyday to get the internet! Even my own computer is confused and weary!
- I am missing the simple things like just going shopping for milk!
- Hair straighteners! I NEED THEM! they are now categorised as 'essential' for my mental wellbeing!
- I dont want to watch anymore mindless TV in teh evenings!
- Fed up wearing trainers or walking boots, walking boots or trainers! Where are my high heels & FitFlops?!!!
- its Fathers Day tomorrow and its the first one i have missed so the children are having to do everything without me....(thank you Megs for standing in for me!)
- if i have to see my Big Red coat again this century, it will be 100 years too soon!
- i just want MY bed, MY pillows, MY bath and MY own home remote control which i know how to use!
Molly was waiting for me at the Old Post Office Guest House on Selby Road with a wonderful set up here of B & B for the power workers who mainly stay Monday to Friday i think....each large room is all beautifully equipped with a small fridge, microwave and basic cereals, milk and juice for a DIY / self service affair in the morning and she has 6 rooms all with wonderful modern bathrooms ensuite and newly furnished. A great combination and i am sure she is on to a winning formula here for her efforts as it was all lovely!
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