Headed out of Edinburgh this morning on another drizzly morning and began with a mile and half walk just to get to the bus stop to get the number 52 bus directly to Lauder Cross.
We arrived at our B & B Lornebank directly in the High Street by 10.30 where we had already pre-arranged to leave the bags for the day so we could walk freely unhindered! Margot our delightful hostess was so accommodating and was all ready and waiting for us and even had an Ordnance Survey map and circular walk maps at the ready for us to use on our day out! There was even a beautiful stained glass window in the hallway!
We chose a circulare 13 mile walk beginning near Thirlestane Castle which turned out to be nearer to 17 once we had done a few detours but it was beautiful out in the (wet!) fresh air and the whole route map turned into a bit of a treasure hunt following the instructions and wondering if we had taken the right turns!! It was most rewarding though to get to each landmark and know that whilst we had been wondering for the last 20 minutes if we had made the right choice, that yes we actually had! The lovely stiles were all built into the wall most conveniently and made it easy getting over the high stone walls which otherwise may have been tricky.
Complimentary night caps were a lovely finishing touch to the day at our B & B, so one port and whisky later, it was time for an early night and some crossed fingers that our muscles wont be too sore for a repeat day tomorrow!
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